Today, 6th February 2018 it is 4 years since The Blissful Baby Expert was officially published!

Happy birthday to me 🎉🎉


What a journey it has been and how much has happened since then....


It is currently completely sold out everywhere, with a reprint having been ordered on 9th February, so although that has been frustrating for anyone wanting to buy a copy, it is obviously a good sign that it is in high demand, so I can't complain!

The 5* reviews continue to be left On Amazons website

Currently over 330 so far and I'm actually very proud of the fact that my book has the highest ratio of 5* reviews up against any of the other popular parenting and baby advice books, that have been out for years!

We also have a free forum that parents can register to use for advice, or there are membership options if a little more detailed and personalised support is needed. (Click on the advice tab at the top of the page)

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have and continue to recommend me and my book to friends, family and random people you meet on the street, in parks and on holiday. (I've heard some right stories about how my name and book ended up being discussed ha ha)

It wouldn't be doing as well as it is without all of you, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Much love