My Membership Options Page
My Membership Options Page
ALL of the membership calls and WhatsApp support are with Lisa directly, for the quick support, silver and gold packages.
Once you make payment you will receive a welcome email from Lisa and from there you can book in your first call with her.
Welcome to the Membership Options Page.
Thankyou for your interest in getting some advice from The Blissful Baby Expert!
Please see our membership options below, and choose the one that is best for your needs. All of these go towards maintaining and running this forum and helping other mums.
Remember you can get a huge amount of information in the general blog, and free newsletter simply by registering here!
For all of the GOLD and SILVER memberships, you will also get LIFETIME access to our private Facebook support group, which is full of hundreds of amazing parents, from all over the world, who all follow the Blissful Baby routine and principles and enjoy helping answer the daily questions from others, that are posted within the group.