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Hi there, I’m Coco and my second baby girl is due to be born this week! I already have a daughter, Posey who is almost 2 and a half years old.  Both of them were conceived through IVF / ICSI treatment and I feel like the luckiest girl alive. Throughout my current pregnancy I’ve felt pretty good.  I’ve had no sickness or nasty symptoms and just a little tiredness to contend with, probably to do with chasing a toddler around! While I’ve been extremely fortunate to feel so good over the last 9 months one thing has always been on my mind – how will I feel going from 1 child to 2?

I have repeatedly asked myself how I could ever love another child as much as I love Posey and if I will get the same overwhelming rush of love when I hold my newborn in my arms for the first time.  I spent 18 months after Posey was born thinking she’d be an only child before my husband and I decided to ‘go for it’ again.


So how do I feel knowing my baby’s arrival is so imminent?


I guess there are 3 main things on my mind:

  1. I know I will love my baby as much as I love Posey but how can I show Posey she still means just as much to me?
  2. I have fears that Posey will feel ‘pushed out’, especially in the early days while we establish a routine.
  3. I spent ALL of my time with Posey when she was a baby.  This time I have to split my time & ensure both of my girls feel loved and special.

How will I do this?!

I think second / third etc time mums are such a font of knowledge & advice at times like this and certainly some of my good friends who have more than 1 child have given me some good tips on how to make it all work.  Things like:

  1. Don’t try to be supermum, it’s impossible!
  2. Try not to have to do anything except be mum.  Accept help with jobs at home, shopping, errands etc.  Don’t plan too much in a day.
  3. Keep Posey’s routine as close to normal as possible.  Try and get the new baby to fit in.
  4. Do things all together, ie. the baby is with Posey and I while we play.  She comes with us on preschool runs.
  5. Share the night feeds with my husband.  I’m planning to formula feed plus expressed milk only so we can do this.  It’ll help me to get enough sleep so I can do plenty with Posey during the day.
  6. Buy a gift for the baby to give Posey.  I have a giant Peppa Pig toy ready!
  7. Encourage Posey to talk to the baby, help with feeds / changes & reward her with Peppa Pig stickers / chocolate buttons
  8. Ensure Posey still has play dates / outings with just me & ‘us time.’  I’m actually secretly looking forward to going on the slides at soft play with her once my bump has gone!


I think taking the above advice and putting it into practice will be great.  I’m so excited to become a mum again;

I can’t wait to have my 2 girls at home together.


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