Welcome to The Blissful Baby Expert Shop

Blissful-Baby-Expert-HatDue to popular request and demand we have decided to launch the 'Blissful Baby' brand and bring to you the most requested items that many parents I have spoken to about this idea, have asked for.

I thought long and hard about doing this as what I do has never and will never, be based on money. You all know I provide a FREE email advice service and don't expect payment for the hours I spend replying to hundreds of emails each week...

Running Costs

As we do help more people this is reflected in running costs and administration time of the website, and little things like my phone data plan being maxed out and It is becoming harder and harder to meet these costs alone out of our family finances.

To help us cope with the running costs and continue to provide a free service to you, we have decided to launch the branded products

We thought this would be the best way of maintaining the free service to you all without having to resort to allowing advertising all over the site to help with running costs.


Supporting good causes!

I hope you agree that this is a good to way for parents to get high quality unique items and also help us support our favourite charity, The Lullaby Trust and continue to help other parents all over the world.

A monthly donation of 50p per item sold will be made to the Lullaby Trust based on sales of our products and I will keep you all updated of the amounts via a just giving page.

We have a few items to start us off to begin with, but eventually we hope to branch out into branding all sorts of products or items and if there are any specific requests for items you would like branded with the 'Blissful Baby' logo then let us know and we will do our best to meet your request.


Small actions can have big effects

Even buying a bib, for example, will help, but for those parents I advise via email, facebook or twitter, even joining our wonderful site, mail list and sharing with others, is a wonderful way to help us reach more parents who need our support

Please keep an eye on the website over the next few days...my amazing web guy Gareth Ellis is working very long hours to get the new pages set up. Here's a sneak peak of one product...





Let us know what you think! You can see the shop page here

Thank you everyone for all your support,
