Bringing your baby home from the hospital for the first time can be very daunting and can create feelings of anxiety in parents. No matter how prepared you may have felt before the birth, suddenly you are completely responsible for this little person and that can feel overwhelming.

It's ok to admit you are scared (even terrified!) It's ok to ask for and accept help. That doesn't mean you are failing as a parent, more, it shows strength and love for your baby that you want to do your best for them.

Listen to advice from trusted family members or friends, read books to help guide you if you want to, but ultimately, TRUST YOUR INSTINCT and go with what you and your partner feel are right for you all as a family.

It DOESN'T MATTER if that is different to what your best friend is doing with her baby. If you find the way YOU parent and care for your baby works for you and your little one, then there is no problem to worry about. As parents, I feel we should all be much less judgmental on each other and instead support our friends and families choices, even if that is different to our own and what works for us.

Let's end the mummy wars!

Patience and perseverance is a motto I live by where babies and toddlers are concerned. Routines take time to establish and not every day will run smoothly in the beginning, as you work towards it. Every day is a new day and there comes a time to draw a line under and forget about the day before, if it was a tough and an unsettled one. Don't dwell on the rough days, because you will drive yourself crazy and get stressed that things didn't go to plan. It WILL all come together in the end though with some patience and consistency.

Babies thrive on a routine, so the faster you find one that works for you all, the more settled they will be, which in turn makes your job as a parent much much easier! If you need some tips and advice on routines with a new baby, then my baby book can guide you and has hundreds of 5* reviews.

We also offer a membership support service if you would like email and phone advice to give you personalised guidance.

Good luck and enjoy it-time flies by way too fast!