toddlerI have some news that I know is going to disappoint a lot of you initially, but I hope that you can understand the reason why and see it as a positive thing.

The decision has been made to put the publication date of The Blissful Toddler Expert back by 8 weeks
Instead of the planned date of 5th February 2015, it will now be published on Thursday 16th April 2015


I would just like to apologise to those of you who have already Pre-ordered, expecting it to arrive in February. That was always the planned publication date but unfortunately we have to delay.

I know how much you are all looking forward to it being released, from the emails and messages of support I receive every single day.
A big part of me is also gutted too, but I know deep down, putting the date back is the right thing to do.


The toddler book covers some very important parts of your little ones development and we want to have enough time to include as much information and detail as possible to make it the best it can be.


I know from all your feedback and reviews of my first book The Blissful Baby Expert, how helpful you have found it and many even call it their 'baby bible.'


Each and every time one of you leaves a 5* review on amazon, or emails me to tell me how much you love TBBE it fills me with pride at having wrote something that is such a valuable resource to you all.


I want the toddler book to get that same feedback and positivity surrounding it, so rushing to finish it in time for a February publication date, would mean I would only be letting myself down and most importantly, all of you parents who will be buying it.


You all know how hard I work helping parents with the free email advice service (which even got me shortlisted for the Tesco mum of the year awards) and via Facebook, twitter and the forum.


I want you all to love TBTE as much as you do TBBE and I am going to work very hard with my editor over the next few months to ensure the book will live up to the already high expectations you all have, after my first book.


I hope you understand and are not too cross about the delayed publication. It will be worth the wait I promise!

